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Van Gogh, La Nuit Etoilée exhibition at the l’Atelier des Lumières

The new digital exhibition of the Atelier des Lumières, offers an immersion in the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh (1852-1890), genius ignored in his lifetime, which has upset the painting.

Marrying the entire space of the Atelier, this new visual and sound creation, traces the tormented life of the artist, who painted during the last 10 years of his life over 2000 paintings, now scattered throughout the world. world.

Vincent Willem Van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, the Netherlands. His work full of naturalism, inspired by Impressionism and Pointillism, announces Fauvism and Expressionism.

He grew up in a family of the old bourgeoisie, and first tries to make a career as an art dealer. Refusing to see art as a commodity, he is fired. He then aspires to become a pastor, but he fails the theology exams. At the approach of 1880, he turned to painting. During these years, he left the Netherlands for Belgium, then France to settle there. He then explores painting and drawing both as an autodidact and as a student.

However, his life is peppered with crises that reveal his mental instability. One of them causes suicide, at the age of 37.

The exhibition ends on January 05, 2020.

Nocturnes from December 20th to January 5th from 10am to 10pm. Closed on Sunday at 19h on 22, 29 December and 5 January / closed at 18h on 24, 25, 31 December and 1 January.

Atelier des Lumières

38 Rue Saint-Maur, 75011 Paris