The 32nd European Heritage Day
During the 32nd European Heritage Day that will take place from the 19th to the 20th of September, some edifices closed to the public all along the year will be opened specially for the occasion for our biggest pleasure.
The Museum d’Orsay situated a few meters from our hotel Le Bellechasse Saint-Germain will be free for everybody during the whole week-end without reservation.
Just a few minutes from our establishment, the gates of the Foreign Ministry, the National Assembly as well as plenty of other unusual places will be exceptionally opened.
The Saint-Jacques Tower which also belongs to our patrimony has already opened its doors since the beginning of June and will close on the 27th of September. You have now just a few more days to enjoy the incredible view from the top of the Tower until its reopening next summer.
Paris reveals all its secrets for a week-end, and it’s up to you to make the most of it by staying in the hotel Le Bellechasse Saint-Germain !